Paint Your Belly & Keep A Nice Memory!

August 30, 2021 0 Comments

Paint Your Belly One of the things that every pregnant woman should do is put on some tummy makeup. It is a unique experience to choose the design, the painting, the photography, and everything that has to do with that magical moment where, in a certain way, you are paying homage to your unborn baby.

It is the fashion known as ‘Baby Bump Paint’, ‘Belly Painting’ or ‘Body Painting’, and there are many mothers who, until now, have signed up to make a creative drawing directly on their bellies. In Charlotte Ultrasound we give you many ideas on how to paint your pregnant belly!

Painting a pregnant woman’s belly is a practice that has its origins in ancient times. In prehistoric times, it was a form of artistic expression. At that time, man used the different colors, such as red, brown, black, and blue, related to the elements and nature (fire, earth, darkness, and water) for different purposes. The motives for painting the bodies were different, as were the colors used.

When & How To Do It

When you pass the 35th week of pregnancy, it is a good time because your belly is big enough so that the art you choose looks spectacular, you can confirm the time you have by having an ultrasound in Charlotte. Just make sure that the paint is made with water-based and natural products and that it is hypoallergenic to avoid an allergic reaction. Also to choose a good artist who is patient and loves his work.

Designs For All Tastes

Imagination is your best ally in these cases. Many pregnant women choose to make drawings allusive to nature with paintings ranging from animals to landscapes.

Others prefer to make up with images that express some feeling or even something related to the sex of the baby that is on the way. There are also those that make a replica of their last ultrasound performed in Charlotte or something related to the baby’s figure.

Whatever your choice, just try to enjoy the moment. As we mentioned at the beginning, I feel like it’s the perfect way to pay tribute to the unborn baby. In addition, you can use the photos for your baby shower or as the cover of your pregnancy photo album.

In Charlotte Ultrasound we share some ideas so that you can achieve a beautiful result.

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